ORCID: 0000-0002-4543-3112
Dr Marios Tzouvaras is the Research Coordinator of the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence, and a Researcher leading its Disaster Risk Reduction sector. Marios is also a Researcher and Special Scientist at Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), lecturing CIV329: Transport Planning. He holds a MEng in Rural and Surveying Engineering (National Technical University of Athens, 2005), a MSc in Transport (Imperial College London/University College London, 2006), and a PhD in the exploitation of Earth Observation techniques for monitoring and assessing the impact of natural hazards on infrastructure resilience (CUT, 2020). His research interests are Disaster risk reduction, SAR interferometry, Coherent Change Detection, Deformation monitoring, Natural Hazards monitoring, Remote Sensing, GIS for environmental surveillance, and Transport Planning/Modeling. Marios has published over 30 peer-reviewed journal/conference papers (h-index: 6) and has reviewed over 30 journal papers. He has participated in over 20 European and national research projects (ESA-PECS, Horizon Europe, H2020, Cyprus RIF, INTERREG, ERASMUS+, JPI, MED). He is currently the Principal Investigator of two Horizon Europe (CARBONICA, ENIGMA) and one Cyprus RIF (GreenCarbonCY) projects, and the Project Manager of the AI-OBSERVER Horizon Europe Twinning project. Lastly, Marios is a Member of the European Soil Observatory Working Group on Soil Erosion, a Member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber, and a Member of the Cyprus Association of Transport Planners and Engineers.