Dr. Zampela PITTAKI
BiographyORCID: 0000-0002-5372-1798
Dr. Zampela Pittaki (♀) received her MSc in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience at the University of Göttingen (Germany) with distinction. During her Ph.D. in Soil Physics at Aarhus University, she explored predicting soil hydraulic characteristics using new methods and advanced the use of visible−near-infrared spectroscopy (vis−NIRS) to predict soil properties. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S., Zampela worked on spectral transfer models across instruments and laboratories to develop robust calibration and validation models to enable the scaling of soil spectroscopy, which work has been also filed in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. She has been involved in the writing and submission of several research project proposals and tenders in various calls (Horizon Europe, JPI, Erasmus+, ESA-PECS, RPF/RIF, Interreg, etc.). Zampela has been a reviewer for several scientific journals such as the European Journal of Soil Science and Geoderma, SPIE RSCy Proceedings. She has been invited as a speaker in plenary meetings on soil spectroscopy of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) organized by FAO. Zampela has been invited by various organizations (such as the as North-eastern University in China) as an expert in soil spectroscopy to impart knowledge and demonstrate the potential applications of this technology. Her research interests are Soil Spectroscopy, Remote Sensing, GIS for environmental monitoring, Hydrogeology, Geoscience, and Soil Physics.