Kyriaki FOTIOU
BiographyORCID: 0000-0002-5586-3642
Mrs. Kyriaki Fotiou is currently a PhD Candidate in the field of SAR Satellite Data in Deformation Monitoring Applications at the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT), under the supervision of Dr. Chris Danezis. She holds a BSc Degree in Survey Engineering and Geomatics from the CUT and a MSc Degree, with distinction, in Geoinformation and Geospatial Technologies from CUT, as well. Mrs. Fotiou is currently a Research Associate A’ in ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence and she is involved in “AI-OBSERVER” and “EXCELSIOR” funded projects. Since 2020, she has an active role in the funded project “CyCLOPS INFRASTRUCTURES/1216/0050”. Also, she has experience in teaching as Teaching Assistant at the undergraduate courses of Geodesy. Amongst others, Mrs. Fotiou is a member of the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber (ETEK) and Cyprus Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers. Her research mainly focused on Remote Sensing (SAR Satellite Image Processing), SAR Interferometry, Geodesy and GIS Applications.