Presentation at the Workshop on solar energy applications, organised by inDust COST Action co-ordination
On the 11th of May 2021, our colleague Ilias Fountoulakis gave a presentation entitled “EXCELSIOR: Solar energy estimation in Cyprus” at the Workshop on solar energy applications, organised by inDust COST Action co-ordination. The topic of the workshop was “DustClim: Development of dust climate services for solar energy”.
His presentation included the key findings of the work published in the paper entitled “Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus”.
Fountoulakis, I.; Kosmopoulos, P.; Papachristopoulou, K.; Raptis, P.; Mamouri, R.; Nisantzi, A.; Gkikas, A.; Witthuhn, J.; Bley, S.; Moustaka, A.; Buehl, J.; Seifert, P.; Hadjimitsis, D.G.; Kontoes, C.; Kazadzis, A.S. Effects of Aerosols and Clouds on the Levels of Surface Solar Radiation and Solar Energy in Cyprus. Preprints 2021, 2021050138 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202105.0138.v1).