Dr. Peter ZEIL
Senior expert in the field of EO services and applications
MSc (geophysics) University of München, Germany
Senior consultant & Co-founder Spatial Services Ltd
06/2016 – now
Copernicus User Uptake & skills development: EC H2020 CSA: CopHub.AC Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach http://www.cophub-ac.eu/ (2018-2020); EC ERASMUS+: EO4Geo Sector Skills Alliance in the EO/geospatial sector: bridging the skills gap in the space/geospatial sector by creating a strong alliance of players from the sector/community http://www.eo4geo.eu/ (2018-2021); contributor to the establishment of the Erasmus Mundus Copernicus Master in Digital Earth https://cde.sbg.ac.at/ (2018- ); Copernicus Evolution: EC: Feasibility assessment of an automated, global, satellite-based flood-monitoring product for the Copernicus Emergency, expert group (08/2018-03/2019); EC: Copernicus Emergency Management Service – Review of the Rapid Mapping Component focussing on timeliness of satellite data provision, chair of expert group (02-08/2017); Service contracts: EC DG DEVCO: Formulation of a EUR 10-15 million national support programme entailing use of Copernicus data/imagery, applications development and capacity building; EO/GI-Maturity assessment of the Philippines, institutional analysis, information and data sharing capacities, skills development; Team leader, Philippines (11/2019 – 03/2020)
03/2014 -02/2016
European Commission, Brussels, Belgium: Seconded National Expert responsible for the Risk&Recovery Module of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service; development of concept for risk analysis; quality assessment and validation; cooperation between Africa and EU in Earthobservation (GMES&Africa).
1998 – 05/2016
University of Salzburg, Interfaculty Department Geoinformatics, Z_GIS: project coordination and management, project acquisition, securing funding for Z_GIS programs; development of an organisational structure for the Centre to facilitate efficient product delivery, financial control and reporting; personnel management, research supervision; organisation and moderation of international meetings and conferences: GMES (GMES and Africa, Lisbon, 2007; VALgEO Conferences, JRC, 2009,2010), GEO (Co-located Committee Meeting, Salzburg, 2011).
1979 -1998
GIZ: Project coordinator and team leader; Harare, Zimbabwe; ITC, NL: Assistant professor for Exploration Geophysics; GAFAG, DE: Project consultant, Team leader; BGR: Senior geophysicist; Lobatse, Botswana; BGR: Exploration geophysicist; Germany/Republic of Yemen.