Dr. Peter ZEIL

Senior expert in the field of EO services and applications


MSc (geophysics) University of München, Germany

Senior consultant & Co-founder Spatial Services Ltd


06/2016 – now

Copernicus User Uptake & skills development: EC H2020 CSA: CopHub.AC Copernicus Academy Hub for Knowledge, Innovation and Outreach http://www.cophub-ac.eu/ (2018-2020); EC ERASMUS+: EO4Geo Sector Skills Alliance in the EO/geospatial sector: bridging the skills gap in the space/geospatial sector by creating a strong alliance of players from the sector/community http://www.eo4geo.eu/ (2018-2021); contributor to the establishment of the Erasmus Mundus Copernicus Master in Digital Earth https://cde.sbg.ac.at/ (2018- ); Copernicus Evolution: EC: Feasibility assessment of an automated, global, satellite-based flood-monitoring product for the Copernicus Emergency, expert group (08/2018-03/2019); EC: Copernicus Emergency Management Service – Review of the Rapid Mapping Component focussing on timeliness of satellite data provision, chair of expert group (02-08/2017); Service contracts: EC DG DEVCO: Formulation of a EUR 10-15 million national support programme entailing use of Copernicus data/imagery, applications development and capacity building; EO/GI-Maturity assessment of the Philippines, institutional analysis, information and data sharing capacities, skills development; Team leader, Philippines (11/2019 – 03/2020)

03/2014 -02/2016

European Commission, Brussels, Belgium: Seconded National Expert responsible for the Risk&Recovery Module of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service; development of concept for risk analysis; quality assessment and validation; cooperation between Africa and EU in Earthobservation (GMES&Africa).

1998 – 05/2016

University of Salzburg, Interfaculty Department Geoinformatics, Z_GIS: project coordination and management, project acquisition, securing funding for Z_GIS programs; development of an organisational structure for the Centre to facilitate efficient product delivery, financial control and reporting; personnel management, research supervision; organisation and moderation of international meetings and conferences: GMES (GMES and Africa, Lisbon, 2007; VALgEO Conferences, JRC, 2009,2010), GEO (Co-located Committee Meeting, Salzburg, 2011).

1979 -1998

GIZ: Project coordinator and team leader; Harare, Zimbabwe; ITC, NL: Assistant professor for Exploration Geophysics; GAFAG, DE: Project consultant, Team leader; BGR: Senior geophysicist; Lobatse, Botswana; BGR: Exploration geophysicist; Germany/Republic of Yemen.

This project has received funding from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the “Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and and Development”.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s “Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme” under Grant Agreement No 857510”.
This project is co-funded by the Cyprus University of Technology.