Stakeholders’ Event of the H2020 Teaming project Phase 2 “EXCELSIOR”
The EXCELSIOR stakeholders’ event was organized by the Cyprus University of Technology and took place on the 22nd of November 2019 at the Senate room, “Rector’s Building in the Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus. The stakeholders’ event was open to the Project participants, the EC/REA representatives and the members of the External Advisory Board.

A welcome address and a presenation related to the EXCELSIOR stakeholder engagement were given by the Project Coordinator, Prof. Diofantos Hadjimitsis and the EXCELSIOR Liaison Officer, Associate Prof. Chris Danezis. Brief presentations were given by Committing Organisations including Mr Charalambos Panayiotou on CEO of Atlantis Consulting Ltd, Mr Antonis Hadjiantonis on behalf of CYRIC, Mr Antonis Antoniou representing CYTA, Mrs Vasiliki Charalampopoulou on behalf of Geosystems Hellas S. A. and HEXAGON, Prof. George Zalides representisng i-BEC, Prof. Ioannis Gitas on behalf of the Aristotle University, Mrs Alexandra Chudnovsky Linzon representing the Tel Aviv University and Mr George Georgiou representing NOVATEX.

At the end of the event the participants had the opportunity to participate at the Discussion and Closure session of the event where interesting discussion and suggestions were mentioned from the audience related to possible ways of collaboration between the ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence and several governmental departments and private organisations representatives such as Mr Kostas Papageorgiou from the Department of Forests and Mr Dinos Nilolaides the Cyprus Scientific and Technical Chamber.