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SpaceEDUnity (ERASMUS+): Space EDUnity project titled “Creating student communities for the integration of crowdsourcing data, remote sensing and geoinformatics aiming to mitigation of climate change” aims to create communities of students aged 12-17, who will be educated, and they will contribute to issues of prevention and response to natural disasters by collecting crowdsourcing data. Crowdsourcing is about assigning some work, which traditionally will performed by a specific professional, to volunteers or communities with the aim of activating them and involvement in the public. The data will be used by the research teams, in combination with satellite data technologies, with the aim of training, informing and active participation of the school community and upgrading services to deal with the climate crisis. After the training on the use of mapping software and the utilization of satellite technologies will be done followed by training in field data collection and action in the field. The data collected will be used by the research groups to enrich and inform the existing operational applications contributing to the protection of the local community.

Coordinator: ERATOSTHENES Centre of Excellence

Partner: National Observatory of Athens

The educational guide and material that was developed in the framework of the Space EDUnity project is provided below. The material was developed in Greek language and provide tools for educators and students that are interested in establishing and managing student communities for the integration of remote sensing, geoinformatics and crowdsourcing data.



The project “Space EDUnity: Creating student communities for the integration of crowdsourcing data, remote sensing and geoinformatics aiming to mitigation of climate change” has received funding from the European Union’s ERASMUS+ Programme KA210-SCH – Small-scale partnerships in school education, under Agreement Number – 2022-2-CY01-KA210-SCH-000099286.

This project has received funding from the Government of the Republic of Cyprus through the “Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and and Development”.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s “Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme” under Grant Agreement No 857510”.
This project is co-funded by the Cyprus University of Technology.